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Installing phpMyAdmin 2.8

phpMyAdmin Logo

The install instructions I provided earlier will only work in the earlier versions of phpMyAdmin. The latest version( - as of Aug 15, 2006) has a much easier way of doing this.

Get the latest version of phpMyAdmin from The files will compressed - so you will have to extract it. Create a folder called 'phpMyAdmin' in the document root of your server and extract the PHP scripts into it. That's it - the installing part is over. The latest version will automatically configure itself to run with these settings...

  • Database Host : localhost
  • Username : root
  • Password : (Empty)
For the example we provided the last time, this is all that is needed. But if you wish to configure your phpMyAdmin using more advanced options, open the folder you installed phpMyAdmin to(<Document Root/phpMyAdmin/>) and create a folder called 'config'. Make sure it has write permission. You can give it write permission with the following command(assuming that your are on a linux system)...
chmod 666 config

Now open the URL http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/scripts/setup.php. This will help you configure your phpMyAdmin.

The configuration is very straight forward - so I am not providing much details about it. If you have any doubt, reffer the documentation that comes with the installation.

After you have finished configuration, click on the 'Save' Button in the 'Configuration' section. This will create a '' file inside the 'config' folder that we created earlier. You will have to manually copy this config file to you phpMyAdmin folder. After this is done, delete the config folder. You can do this with the command...

mv config/ .
rmdir config

On a personal note, I still prefer the 2.6 Version of phpMyAdmin. Some pages in the latest version have a tendency to create horizontal scroll bars even on 1024x768 resolution.

1 Comment:

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